Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Patient Perspective

The patient's perspective is the most important determinant as to whether an adverse event has occurred.  This opinionated statement could be argued in both directions, but I strongly believe that the patient perspective is the reason many adverse events occur.  Since I have the most knowledge about the pharmacy setting I can relate this topic to the pharmacy.

In the pharmacy there are many different ways an adverse event can happen.  The most common event is incorrect package sold to wrong patient.  At first glance one may wonder how does the patient play a role in creating this adverse event.  In a pharmacy the customers always want things fast. Whether it is in the store or in the drive thru everything is suppose to be fast pace.  If it's not to their liking they call corporate and set a complaint which is then sent to us to rectify the situation.  With that pressure coming from customers there is the need to go fast, and when going fast mistakes are made.

Another adverse event is the patient not taking the medication correctly.  This directly effects the patient and could cause the patient to have an adverse event.  Customers come into the pharmacy all the time stating that they haven't been taking their medication because they didn't receive a call from us stating their medication isn't ready.  The patient perspective is that the pharmacy is suppose to be on top of them when their medication is ready.  The pharmacy does what it can to improve the customers quality of care in taking their medication but we can not be solely responsible for them.  The patient needs to take accountability for their health care needs.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Wildcard #1

There are quality issues in every aspect in health care.  I can personally see a quality issue in the pharmacy that I work in.  The pharmacist are stretched so thin that this can lead to mistakes.  The pharmacist in my pharmacy don't get any breaks and on some days have to work twelve hour shifts.  This can lead to some serious quality issue because they are tired.  Working a twelve hour shift without any breaks is tough on them; they have to inhale their food whenever they can get a second to themselves.  This can cause a big quality issue if the pharmacist are exhausted then who know what can happen.  There could be medication errors or drugs given to the wrong person.  On top of over working them they are cutting their supporting staff as well.  Pharmacists are now finding themselves doing more and more and getting even more exhausted. 

This is a huge quality issue that can affect people's health and overall outcome of the business.  Filling or giving a person the wrong prescription is a quality issue in itself.  This then in turn affects the business because I know I wouldn't go to a place that gives me the wrong medication.  There are many ways that these quality issues can be preventive but now it comes down to if the pharmacy wants to pay for that. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What does quality mean to me

It seems that now-a-days everyone is concern about quality.  There is the quality of health, quality of clothes, quality of food, and quality of physician, the list goes on and on.  One very important note to be taken away from quality is that it is perspective based.  I feel that quality is in the “eye of the beholder.”   What one may find of high quality another may feel as if it’s of low quality.  
Many factors can play a role in evaluating quality.  One factor is a person economic status.  A person who has lots of money may judge quality based on a price tag.  Figuring that the higher the price, it must mean that it is of great quality.  That is one reason the health care industry is in the shape that it is because if something is cheaper it must mean it’s of low quality. Another factor could be cultural.  What one finds of lower quality another culture may find it of higher quality.  Some cultures are more adaptable to change and appreciate things whereas other cultures take for granted and may judge to harshly and deem something low quality. 
Some of the factors I pointed out came to me as we were in class discussing our favorite restaurants and why we enjoyed it.  I mentioned mines to be a Cuban restaurant and some people might find it to be a lower quality compared to other restaurants because of the laid back cafeteria style atmosphere.  It was interesting to find that we all have different view points of quality no matter what the price was. 
Continuing in the class will hopefully lead me to discern different type of quality of health care and how we are able to improve it.  Quality at this point means to me that what ever service I received was done in a timely, efficient, and cost saving manner.  It also means that what ever service/item being used was working properly and met or exceeded my expectations.  Different items hold different rating of quality.  Food quality is different from healthcare quality and so forth, but in all it just means I enjoyed what ever I received.  


Hello everybody just excited to learn about quality and outcomes this summer